For our Peer Teaching, all trainees had made different worksheet and charts as to teach their respective topic. So our science Methodology teacher Dr. Anna Neena George and we have planned to organise a exihibition in college of our worksheet. All the charts and worksheet were displayed in the college exihibition gallery. Everyone participation were appreciated by the college facualty.

For exihibion I had a small contribution. I have made two worksheet during peer teaching so both the worksheet were added to the exihibition. In the first worksheet there were total three columns, in the first column pictures were given of food items and in second and third column plant product or animal product were given. Students were suppose to identify the food item and have to tick in the appropriate column whether they are made up of plant or animals.This worksheet were to check their previous knowldedge.
In the second worksheet there were total 5 column in the first column there were pictures and in the remaing column celeals, pulses, nuts and spices option ere given so students have to identify the pictures and mark in the appropriate column. This worksheet help the students to understand which are the various items we get from plants.

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