A "discrepant event" typically refers to an unexpected or surprising result or observation that challenges students' preconceived notions or scientific theories. It is commonly used in science education as a teaching technique to promote critical thinking, problem-solving skills, and scientific inquiry. So we the F.Y.B.Ed science students organise a discripant event exihibition on 06/05/2022. All the demos were thoroughly checked by our mentor Dr. Anna Neena George.

I performed the experiment Named Who blows the Air. In this I attached balloon to the bottle neck. Then I kept the bottle in hot water first which resulted in balloon inflation. Later, I inserted the balloon in cold water which resulted in shrinking of the balloon. Initially students aren't informed about the hot and cold water, which increases their curiosity about the demo.
This effect is due to the ideal gas law, which states that the pressure of a gas is directly proportional to its temperature, assuming the volume and number of gas particles remain constant. As the temperature of the gas increases, so does its pressure, and as the temperature decreases, the pressure also decreases.

For the discrepant event I helped the organizer in arranging the tables and look after their requirements for materials. Also, arranging the demos was a great experience.

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