SCI-FUN is basically mean science with fun. This program is started by our  Dr. Anna Neena George, inspired by Mr. Arvind Gupta. In this program teacher trainees prepare simple demonstrations to explain different concepts.  Demonstrations are such that, they are amde using simple materials. Then, teacher trainees visit different schools and perform these demos for students.

For Sci-Fun I had demonstrated Well Of Death. In this demo all that is required is a balloon and a coin or a shell or a stone. Then insert the coin inside the balloon and inflate balloon. Then rotate the balloon fast so that the coin starts rotating. Stop rotating the balloon. Students are surprised to see that coin keeps rotating.
Principle: when we place a coin in a transparent ballon and rotate the ballon. The coin will begin to spin smoothly around in circles on its own - like a motor cycle in a circus cage this happens due to centrifugal force which a force, arising from body inertia, which appear to act on a body moving in a circular path and is directed away from the centre around which the body is moving.

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